John T. Luhman [3]John Teta Luhman [1]
  1.  27
    Alienation, Police Stories, and Percival.John T. Luhman & Andy F. Nazario - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):665-681.
    There are many people in organizations who have feelings of alienation; that is they feel they do not fit in, they get no meaning out of their work, they feel belittled or abused by their superiors or colleagues; they desire to break loose the masks they wear, or to find some sense of meaningfulness. In our paper, we demonstrate our assumption of alienation in the workplace by reviewing a collection of satirical and ironic organizational stories from police officers working at (...)
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    Marx and McDonaldization: A Tropological Analysis.John Teta Luhman - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (2):17-23.
    McDonaldization is usually seen as a ‘tragedy’ as humans become more rationalised in their everyday life, but from the view of Marx’s theory of historical change, I suggest that it might be seen as a ‘comedy’. As the world’s labour force becomes culturally the same it may finally gain an ironic awareness that is required for radical social change, thus, global rationalisation may create the conditions for a ‘global Proletariat’. The comedy of McDonaldization is that its repulsiveness as a way (...)
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    Narrative processes in organizational discourse.John T. Luhman - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7.
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